Our goal as a collective is to empower each clinician to develop their own sustainable, values-aligned career path.

We offer an affordable group practice model that supports therapists in three key areas: business administration, practice design, and continuous education.  

We’re a dynamic, affirming, and inclusive digital community where therapists can ask questions, get support from experienced private practice clinicians (and each other!), and find the confidence to blaze their own trail in their career.

Colorful Minds Collective is a human-centered practitioner community that prioritizes learning, connection, and growth. Our private practice therapists are supported through mentorship and community in the areas of:

1) Business Administration: setting up a private practice legally and logistically, navigating billing and insurance, and designing a sustainable practice schedule

2) Career & Practice Design: developing and promoting a practice that supports their unique needs for ideal work-life balance

3) Continuing Education: access to affirming continuing education, clinical supervision, peer consultation, and collaborative resource library.

Our Why

Psychotherapy is a uniquely fulfilling and challenging career and we aspire to support therapists to thrive in both their professional and personal lives.

We believe that therapeutic relationships rooted in inclusivity and acceptance are vital aspects of a values-aligned practice and overall wellbeing as a clinician. For many of us, the autonomy of private practice is the best way to achieve this. 

We know that people grow in safe relationships, and creating safety requires feeling safe, well-rested, and focused. Many of us need control of our schedules, caseload, and client type in order to consistently provide this type of emotional labor. 

In order for those relationships to thrive, therapists must be supported. Supported therapists are more effective in their practice because psychotherapy is a creative, spiritual, and intellectual practice that takes a unique energy. Human development professions can’t be mechanized or reduced to a series of formulaic interventions. Creating and holding a therapeutic container requires deep presence, focus, and attention.

Colorful Minds Collective is a professional oasis for dedicated, creative therapists to learn, grow, and connect with colleagues in living their values in independent practice. We’re contributing to a future where all helping professionals are adequately supported to engage deeply, creatively, and authentically with their clients, with enough energy left to enjoy their personal lives.