Queer women couples therapy


All relationships come with their own set of needs, contexts, and boundaries.

We bring a multitude of narratives about ourselves from our families, childhoods, and formative relationships, however brief. These narratives and needs can bump up against each other, and get messy. We can hurt. When you hold multiple identities in a relationship, it can also create friction that you may not know how to manage on your own.

A common misconception of relationship therapy: “needing” it is a sign of trouble in the relationship. There can be a lot of shame and stigma in going to “couples therapy” that individual therapy doesn’t hold anymore. It’s often best to address problems when they’re still minor issues, or they haven’t even surfaced yet. Relationship therapy can give you a set of communication tools at the ready.

Every type of relationship is welcome and affirmed at Colorful Minds, whether you’re two friends trying to work out a disagreement, a monogamous couple deciding to get married, or an entire polycule working out some interpersonal dynamics. Everyone who gets a say in the relationship gets an equal spot on the couch.